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Author Topic: Membership types  (Read 2271 times)

Online The Miner '49er

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Membership types
« on: April 11, 2021, 12:55:37 PM »
Just for the heck of it I was looking through the list of the 4320 members. In the first 30 of the 144 pages I found just 8 contributing members, so I got to wondering how many of each type, registered user, forum member, contributing member, and junior member there are in the TMA. A little further search revealed that many of the registered users have never posted and they have been registered for several years. Forum members, on the other hand, seem to frequently post. I understand that lots of people, like myself, began by as viewers of the forum (I hate to use the word "lurkers") to get some info that might help them or to get a feel for the forum in general. This, obviously, can lead to greater participation in the forum. What benefits does a guest viewer gain as he/she moves up the chain to registered user, then to forum member? The tangible benefits of becoming a contributing member (additional forum sections and contributor only drawings) plus the fact that the minimal annual fee helps promote traditional ML shooting makes it well worthwhile and quite a bargain, too. If there presently isn't any reason to advance to registered user then to forum member, perhaps we might come up with something to trigger that. Likewise, maybe we ought to push contributing membership in every section of the forum, extra cash for  2A and ML promotion is sorely needed right now!
Defend the 2nd Amendment - If you can't fight for your rights, you don't have any!     "I was standin' at the toe mark on the 25-yard line, I was gunnin' fer' a 50 with my rifle Clementine."