Thought some of you might be interested in how to "true" your Fixed Rear Sight to the top flat of your barrel...
The way I do it is;
I clamp a piece of wood or metal (metal preferred) onto the top flat behind / against the rear of the sight that is the height I want to end up with.
I then file the top of my sight down to the top of the
height spacer that's clamped to the top barrel flat.
This insures a "square" top to your rear sight, and should help avoid any "canting" while aiming.
Sorry about the picture quality, but I bet you get the idea...
In the end, we want to end up level. I took this last picture just holding the camera free hand / but
it is actually level with the top flat as the sight should be. It's the picture taker
(me) that's off level holding the camera.