All matches are "fun matches" and all are encouraged to shoot at least one monthly match. This is solely for the shooter's benefit as scored matches adds elements of practice for all manner of shooting needs that includes both target and hunting. Striving to be a better shooter will beget a better shooter. Putting a bit of pressure on your shooting by tallying up target scores is a way to seek improvement. Practice makes for a better shooter, regardless of your match scores.
1. Target faces and scores will get posted on the day AFTER a monthly match has completed.
2. Each competitor can shoot a maximum of TWO target faces per monthly match. Pick the best of the two faces for your submitted score.
3. A shooter class system will be enacted for the 2023 TMA Monthly Postal Matches and shooter scores from 2021 and 2022 will be used to classify competitors next year. Master/50, Expert/45, Sharpshooter/40, Marksman/35, Patriot/30, Defender/29 and under. Each competitor will need to submit at least two scores commensurate with the class they will be assigned, and all new first time match shooters will need to submit at least two target scores in order to be assigned an initial class.
If there is one (or more) shooters within a class, a top score winner will be named.
ALL competitors will have their class added to their posting title, and the title will be updated if they move up in class.
The shooter class system will hopefully be an impetus for folks to join the TMA Postal Match competition and have it be a vehicle to help strive for better marksmanship. With a scoring classification system, as you improve you will have an opportunity to jump up in class and thus receive a good measure of shooting achievement. Without a class scoring system, some folks - like me! - who will never become a Master at least have an opportunity to jump class from Defender to Patriot.