This weekend My wife and I went to a friends house warming for their new home just out of Baker City OR .
What a place. Simply wonderful view and fantastic home.
Anyway , we get over on Friday morning thinking we could help out in some way for the party and shoot he had set up for Saturday.
However he already had everything set up and was well on his way building his Rifle Range .
Don did a very nice job on the range . He has the ranges staked out and signed every 25 yards .
He has his target boards at 25 yards from his bench .
From the bench he has his farthest target at 175 yards . Eventually this will all change as he has enough room once he clears some brush out , to move back to 250 yards .
All shoots would be taken off hand at paper at 25 yards
There were a total of 17 shots on paper .
That was followed by a team shoot . This consisted of 3 , 3 man teams shooting at reactive battleship targets . Also off hand . .
After the team event he had a Long Gong shoot which consisted of a 10 x 10 target hung at 175 yards . Each shooter would be aloud one shot , again off hand , for score .
Saturday morning prior to the shoot another friend showed up from Richland.
Kim and I have this friendly rivalry going on . Especially when it comes to long range off hand shooting . He shoots a 42 barreled , cap lock rifle in 50 cal . I shoot a 42 inch barreled flintlock , long rifle in 54 cal .
We walked down to the range and I showed him Dons long gong target . Which at most of the events we shoot at is at least 3 ft X3ft .
Kim starts laughing when Don says . Yep its on 10 inches and the first shot is at 175 yards .
Seriously , you can hardly see the target at that range LOL
. Kim and I were the only ones to actually score readable hits . Though for the most part, if this had been the normal target size of 3 ft I think everyone would have hit it . The shots all looked to be that close .
Here are some photos
Kim and his hit , which is up on the chain right on the price tag . which he states should be worth more points them my score becouse the tag he hit is much smaller then the target LOL
if you look close you can see the lead mark on the tag . there also is a piece of lead stuck in the chain link . most however went right through the center of the link .
the mark on the target is my hit .

here is how it looks from the shotting line to target and from target back to the line