I hate doing intros.
I got tagged LongWalker back in the early '80s, and have used that name on the old MLML, Dean Rudy's mailing list, on the MuzzleLoading Forum, and probably a few others. I went by Habu on the ALR forum when I was active there.
I've been pondering some follow-up on an experiment I did 10-12 years ago. As I wrote then on ALR, I took an old Dickert and played with long-range shooting to see if the results fit with what Colonel Hanger wrote of the day his bugler's horse got shot. I've been thinking about picking up one of Kibler's Colonials in .54 and repeating my tests, then doing the same with a Colonial .50. That is as close as I can reasonably come to eliminating variables other than bore size, in something close to a rifle of the Rev War era. The Dickert was probably from ~1790-1800, and had some issues with condition: probably close to a well-worn Rev War era rifle, but not up to what a new rifle could have done.
Maybe. I'm probably going to wind up spending too much money and get worse results than I got with the Dickert!
Circling back to the intro, Snuffer had talked about doing some further work along those lines, I'm hoping he posted some results here.
LongWalker, c. du B.