My youngest boy need a shooting bag so I dug around in my "stuff" to see what I had to make one.
The leather came off an old sofa I saw sitting on a curb (waiting for the trash truck) one day. ( I made a quick U-turn and skinned it.) The brass buckle is from one of my old leather belts that grew too short hanging in the closet. The brass D ring came off something I can't remember and the brass eagle pin came out of his Grandmothers costume jewelry box.
I drew the pattern on graph paper using the powder horn as a guide for my curved lines.
I did all the stitching by hand. It did not turn out exactly as I had in mind, but I learned from my mistakes and I believe my next attempt will be better.
In any event, my boy got a functional shooting bag, I got some practice in leather working, and the cost for the materials was "free". Hard to beat a deal like that.