I was in need of a bag for hunting with my twice barrel shotgun (sorry, Justin) and I had what was left of my white canvas awning which got ripped up in a windy, wet storm down at Old Fort Parker.
So out came the craft box and I got busy.
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First thing was to decide just what all needed to go into the bag. Powder is carried in a horn and the measure is attached to that strap. Shot is carried in a shot snake with it's own adjustable measure. I decided that 50 shots would be plenty to get through a good days hunt.
So I gathered up 50 each of the over powder cards, lubed felt wads, cork over shot wads, a caper, a tin of caps, a nipple wench, nipple pick, cleaning jag, small bottle of moose milk, and a few cotton cleaning patches. I placed all that in little separate piles on my work table and got an idea what size the bag needed to be. I'd want three inside pockets to separate the wads and cards, a larger pocket on the back of the bag for the cleaning patches and moose milk, and everything else would ride in the bottom of the main pouch.
Started to sketch out the pattern on graph paper and cut out the pieces.
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