Scrimmed horn, a loom--- I'd say you are indeed a walking, talking remnant of living history in the flesh, Hoss!
I spent a season on Quail Creek Golf Course one spring/ summer doing some half assed photography thing but that was in the mid-early 80's I'd recon... Only time I've been in SC...
Rode with a buddy who owned the franchise on the Golf Courses to Charleston, SC to look at guns and he took some back roads home and we ran up on some po' folks, and I mean Poor--- put meaning into "living in squalor" for this ole boy...We headquartered outa myrtle Beach, as I recall...
My folks lived in Lanc, PA at that time so while that far East from a move to MT, I went up to see them..
YOU, Sir have talent... Nice to have a supportive BRIDE