I was dressed for the weather, and wanted to get some chronograph numbers in the cold. FWIW, my MV dropped from a 10-shot average of 1920 fps at 92F to a 10-shot average of 1795 fps at -10F. Would have played with some lower charges to get comparative numbers but the chronograph battery froze up.
Winter is part of living. Years ago I was at a rendezvous up in SoDak that got cold enough there was slush in the rum keg someone left outside the lodge. That was cold. More concerning is getting caught out in the open by sudden changes in weather.
Winter of . . . '82 I think. . .I got caught by a blizzard while running my traps. I was down in a little valley and heard the wind, looked up in time to see a wall of snow roll over the hills, and then I couldn't see 3'. Because I was reasonably prepared (canvas ground cloth for setting traps, tin cup, a wool blanket, plus coat etc) I just holed up in a plum thicket til the snow stopped a couple days later.
Good times, all.