I worked out a deal with David32cal for three wooden bows.
They turned out to be all lemonwood bows, circa 1940 - 1950 I believe. Lemonwood was a very popular bow wood in those early days. It is very straight and tight grained and has a good compression and tension ratio for a self bow. Two of the bows have a thin fiberglass backing on the back side only. The wood is indigenous to the Carribean, especially Cuba and with the current embargos on so long it is now rare and expensive.
One still had a Ben Pearson cellophane label. The other had no visible markings left but could be be Ben Pearson by the shape and style similarity.
All three had some degree of 'string follow' and one limb worse than the other which put the bow out of perfect tiller. The original leather handles were all gone and the varnish finish was marred and checked on all the bows.
This is all very typical of bows this age.
I considered the value as collector's items as is, but the old bows all spoke to me. They all would rather be gently restored and put back into service than retired and hung on a wall somewhere. I think most of us would feel the same about ourselves!
I stripped the finish and gently worked the stiffer limbs back to perfect tiller. It did not take much and the draw weight and limb shape were not adversely affected. I put on a new light walnut stain to closely match the original and am in the process of finishing the Tung Oil outer coats and sewing up new buckskin grips. I like the Tung Oil better as it is easier to keep the limbs more limber than varnish will allow.
Anyway, I will put these up for sale at the Trade Shows in Cour D'Alene and Monroe. I may try to get a pic of the restored trio and post it here. If anyone is interested in them you can send me a pm. They would be good for ladies or youth. They are about 68" length and draw weights of about 23 to 30 lbs @ 28". They should meet the muster for most of your historical events - I am not sure how your clubs deal with the glass backing.
You could tell them the bows are at least 50 years old!