REMEMBER where the tree was old son! First there are a bunch of apple varieties that have disappeared from the American market, and from common availability, and many east coast arboretums <sp> are fighting to keep the varieties of "heirloom" fruits from disappearing. You may have found a gem!
I know a fellow who grafted (iirc) three varieties of 18th century apples onto his trees with the help of the CT state arboretum..., and they were quite happy he was willing to help. Now he shows up at events with very nice, authentic apples.
the other reason to remember is deer! On the vinyard where I hunt, sombody about a decade ago chucked an apple core from a passing car off the road and into the woods (ok it's a theory but I like it). Well it fell just inside the treeline, AND..., today a small but fruitfull apple tree grows there..., and the deer come in search of the apples, and I come in search of the deer.