It's really two fold what will make the new 2018 targets more challenging. Size for one. They have been down sized, but a person is still allowed to darken them as long as they don't go outside the outside edge of the silhouette line - (No Sticky Dots Allowed),,, and the "Touch Rule" is out (we will no longer have that). All shots must be 1/2 or better cutting the outside line of the silhouette (so 1/2 in) to count as a knock down.
Now there's another factor as well that can effect scores, such as if a person would happen to shoot one to many holes in one of the Silhouette's,,, well those are going to be scored as misses (it's in the Rules). This has not happen so far in 2017, but it's always a possibility it could happen (and if it happens in 2017 - it would be scored as a miss, just as it will be in 2018).
Now on the up side; aside from the Chicken where you only get 2 shots at each one,,, you get to take 5 shots at each Pig, Turkey, and Ram silhouettes on their target page. So,,, being able to take 5 consecutive shots in one location before shifting your aim on the target paper is (IMHO) a good way to find a spot to hold on that silhouette before moving to the next one.
Also, you have 3-1/2 months to find those 1 to 4 perfect days to shoot your targets - depending on how many you want to complete on a given day.
And of course this needs to be added in; Aim small / Miss small... Yes, Mel Gibson said it in The Patriot,,, and by golly it may just be a line from a movie - but I've found that to be true.
We're still going to have a'lot of fun with this, and I expect some frustration as well... In the end however we'll look back on it and with satisfaction that we got it done.