The DST mortise needed to filled and redrilled to accept the DST rear screw, so I shaped and glued in with epoxy a walnut filler. After curing, the filler required further adjusting with a sharp chisel. With the DST bobbed in the rear and 1/8" drilled for the hold-down screw, and the front end stepped down wind a grinder and file to accept the trigger guard's front shoe, it fits well into it's mortise. Next up is to remove the lock, trigger guard, DST, barrel, and shape the stock's proud walnut wood to meet the furniture using rasps files, abrasives and scrapers, then smooth it all out to 320 grit, apply a dark walnut stain, wick in water thin CYA to all areas that will be exposed to BP residue, then clear coat the stock with Tru-Oil. Getting there ...
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