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Flintlock Pistols / Re: Snagged a cheapie!
« Last post by KDubs on Today at 04:12:04 PM »
I've been wanting a flint pistol.  Looking forward to some shooting reports.
What is it you mean, when you say if it works out? Think positive boy. If a ball comes out of that barrel when you shoot at it, we want to know all about it. Preferably where you did hit. Good luck Joe.
The Campfire / Re: Some pretty fine vittles!
« Last post by rollingb on Today at 01:06:38 PM »
Looks good enough to eat!  :)  :hairy
Flintlock Pistols / Re: Snagged a cheapie!
« Last post by rollingb on Today at 01:03:48 PM »
I've never owned, or shot one, but they do seem to shoot pretty well from what I've heard.  :bl th up
The Campfire / Some pretty fine vittles!
« Last post by Darren Haverstick on Today at 12:36:17 PM »

I took several of the squirrels I've been killing and made birria with them. Then I took the meat and made birria squirrel enchiladas. They were mighty tasty, if I do say so myself!

The Campfire / Re: HAPPY BIRTHDAY KDubs!!!
« Last post by RedOneFive on Today at 12:02:20 PM »
Happy birthday!
Well, I've got a target made up. I believe I'll give it a whirl today at the club shoot.. Gonna take my 54 Tryon and a 45 longun Marty had built.
I'll let ya know how it goes if it happens to work out.
Flintlock Pistols / Snagged a cheapie!
« Last post by RedOneFive on Today at 11:23:58 AM »
I got this little 50 pedersoli here locally. I think I'll try to doll it up and see how it shoots until I can get my hands on a pistol I really like. It sparks well though!
« Last post by Bigsmoke on June 01, 2024, 11:51:00 PM »
That has got to be one of the neatest targets I have seen.
Good job on that one!!!
The Campfire / Re: HAPPY BIRTHDAY KDubs!!!
« Last post by Bigsmoke on June 01, 2024, 11:48:35 PM »
Well, I can sure think of worse ways to celebrate your b-day.  Personally, I always tried to steer clear of work of any kind on my birthday, and with #79 coming up in a few months, it has worked pretty good for me!!
Anyway, Happy Birthday my friend.
John (Bigsmoke)
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