I like your description "jelly headed toms go nowhere". I deffinately agree about head and neck shooting the turkeys. Shot in the meat gets expensive if you have to go to the denist. Larger shot is easier to find and also gives a little better "reach". So, I have been using a mix of 2's and B's in my 16 ga. (95 gr. FFg, thick over powder card and greased fiber wad, 1 3/8 oz. shot and over shot card).
Got this one 3 weeks ago at 33 yds. I usually like to shoot them when they throw their necks out when they gobble. This one was standing up tall trying to see the hen that was purring to him (my box call strapped to my leg). That neck was way out there. I suspect that there was only 2 (or 3) shot in the head/neck.
Happy Hunting, Pete