Hey Jim, Nice simple design horn. I like it a lot.
As a point of discussion, let's talk about the staple you have. Now, I am not a big fan of the staple thing, I much more prefer the simple strap groove instead.
Please, I am not saying this is done wrong, it's just a topic of discussion. OK. Although I have seen many staples that have employed a couple of full twists along the length of the exposed area, I have also heard many people say that is a bad idea, because it can wear the connecting threads of a cloth strap
? What does everyone think?
Then there is placement of the staple. It seems to me that having it on the top of the horn is less than desirable, as over a period of time, it could work loose and pull out. Whereas if it were put on the bottom and only utilized as a device to keep the horn strap in place, that much stress would not be employed. I know, one can always bend the tip of the staple over, or epoxy it in place when installing, etc. but also some people would not think to do that.
So, what I am looking at here is just a topic of conversation. What say all of you? Probably should start a new thread so Beav's post is not hi jacked.
John (Bigsmoke)