I got my first flintlock yesterday, a 50 caliber Lyman GPR, in left hand of course which is my birthday present to myself. My third GPR so I I am somewhat used to how they work but I had concerns when even after adjustment the front trigger wasn't causing the hammer to fall until pulled all the way to the rear. It was throwing a shower of sparks but I was thinking that I'd have to invest another $200 for an L&R lock and Davis Deerslayer trigger to be a decent shooter so I decided to pull everything and have a look-see. First I found a sliver of wood in the trigger assembly but that didn't seem to help things. Then I adjusted the set screw some more and only succeeded in changing the amount of tension needed to trip the front trigger, which still wouldn't release the hammer. Then I got to looking at the trigger and saw the tiny little screw that goes up into the main spring and backed it out so the spring could move another 16th of an inch or so, and viola! Everything works like a charm! Re-assembled and I can't wait for it to stop raining so I can get to the range. I may still replace the trigger with the Davis but I can live with the lock, at least while I'm learning to rock-knock. I'm a bit spoiled because last year I had a custom stock made for my best shooting muzzle loader, a plain old Lyman Trade Rifle. The builder used cherry for the stock, changed the breech plug over to the left and made me a deal on an L&R caplock that I couldn't refuse so the GPR/Lyman lock seems a bit clunky, but acceptable now that it's all functioning properly.