Well folks...the best thing I can say about this past weekend is A Good Time Was Had By All!!
For the most part, we had fine weather. We had rain on Saturday afternoon and had a DELUGE Saturday night/Sunday morning, but nobody floated away that I know of.
We had all the shooting that we could keep up with and more food than we needed to eat. Miss Mary and Eric made sure that we left weighing more than we did when we got there.
Ed didn't get much of a break...what with setting up all the shooting, keeping score and trying to take enough pictures to fill an album!
The tall tales and war stories never ended and no one made it out of there without being the butt of one joke or another.
I'd like to thank Nobber (Eric) for once again for putting on a great event for those of us who showed up. If ya didn't make it...ya missed out!
A great big Thankee to Jingles (Ed) for all of the hard work he put into making this a fun weekend...even if he wouldn't take my last years Carrot Award and pass it on...
Of course, a big thank you to Miss Mary for feeding us on Friday and Saturday...and for making sure that there were enough noodles and beef on Saturday...else no one but Ed would have been able to eat.
Congratulations go to Buzzard (Jeff) for winning the aggregate...he put on a good showing.
If most of my parts are still working...I'll sure be there again next year!
Sorry I don't have any pictures to post...bu Ed should have a few... thousand to stick up here.
Thanks again to the folks who made this happen :clap