shootrj, Questions meant in all due respect....Where do you draw the line on PC? What spoils your period rush? Do you wear completely period correct clothing? No gore tex, no coated pvc raingear, no plastic buttons on your clothing, no modern zippers, about shoes? Do you walk or ride a horse to your spot? If a non-wood ramrod ruins it for you then there has to be a bushel of other stuff equally guilty. I respect completely what you seem to be trying to do and I hope you respect where I am at. A metal ramrod hanging under my flinter or caplock does not bother me one bit, actually no worse than loading it at home with a steel range rod which most embrace as just fine. In my limited time afield or in the heat of the moment, I need a rod I can depend on and brass or aluminum works fine for me.
That would make a great thread. I do not think it could be handled very well on some other forums. but TMA is not other forums.
We all do this to add primative and historical pioneer flavor to our hunting. Do you add a little spice to the recipe or the whole bottle.
There are so many things that we can never replicate. Even the woods in the east. At one point, one in four trees was an american chestnut tree. Can you imagine the food that provided for the wildlife. If an acorn is 15% protien then a chestnut must be right up there.
Most guys can't haul all their gear on horseback so I think a few compromises are acceptable when packing stuff in. And we all want to get as far off the road as we can to get away from, from, well from everything.
For me clothing is where I am making some compromises. Especially in cold weather. Hunter Orange is a problem, a required evil for most during big game season.
Water is another problem. not much good drinking water laying around on top of the ground these days.
Our pioneer ancestors did endure some hardships and it can be useful to experience and truly understand what they went through or how they accomplished some of these hard tasks BUT as in B*U*T we are doing this as a hobby to have fun and enjoy and learn. We have to be safe and we want to enjoy our pasttime.
Everyone finds their own balance point in PC. I think for many it changes from day to day, event to event. Season to season. etc.
flexibility in our degree of correctness and more importantly our tolerance of others choices makes this fun and makes TMA the best forum for this sport on the internet.
Boy I got long winded...