Having reached my so-called "Golden Years' in my mid 70's, and firing thousands upon thousands of rounds down range, I have come to the following conclusion, which I offer as "lessons learned"....
All Rifle Sights are based on the Ouija Board Principal!
This principal transfers human energy into a strong, unpredictable force, whereas the more you attempt to influence that force, the more unpredictable the shot becomes.
To prove my point, just think back to the last time you were in a shoot-off.
The harder you tried to control the "wobble factor" the worse it became.
That's my story and I stickin to it!
There is little room for doubt, so the mystery is now solved.
Brothers sse, and Two-Steps can now stop wondering about the "why" of it all, it's pretty clean cut, IMHO.
Uncle Russ...