The bags I make are in the 6" X 7" or maybe 8" range. They are small and true "shooting bags", more or less. But the bottom line is this; iffin it works, it don't matter what it looks like or how crummy the work is. I'm in that category...crummy but works.
Works for me!
Possibles Bag vs Shooting Bag has been cussed and discussed for my entire life, and if anything at all has been resolved, and solidly established, I've never been astute enough to recognize it.
Somewhere between Shooting Bag, Possibles Bag, and Haversack I think we can all find something we can carry our "stuff" in, and fit a persona.....and any of the three sure beats "a brown paper poke".
FWIW; It has always been my impression that the Haversack was a wee bit larger and carried for "extended" treks, hunts, and stays and was often carried in addition to one of the other bags.
The Possibles bag was a shoulder slung bag that you carried the necessities for shooting, plus survival tools such as for fire making.
And a shooting bag was a small belt bag for shooting with limited use....a day-bag, so to speak.
Am I wrong in my thinking?
With some I'm quite sure I am dead wrong, and all for good reason.
For others maybe not so much.
I'm quite sure there's as many views on this subject as there are Muzzleloaders, and that is just as it should be.
Uncle Russ...