Happy to see folks signing up early!
Now I'm not going to reveal the Rendezvous targets yet , except Mike Fink which you all know and "Love"?
The names of the remaining Rendezvous targets are: (in no particular order)
1. Candles in the Wind
2. Cuttin' the grass
3. Sergeant York
4. King's X
5. Bushytail Nightmare
6. Perils of Pauline
7. Tic Tac Done
I hope this peaks your interest rather than scare you off!
Lastly, if you have completed in the last 2 years, you'll be receiving your class assignment via PM next week. If you disagree with your class, PM me and we can adjust it. Be forewarned, I'm not dropping anyone down to Defender class because you feel you were just lucky last year.