Uncle Russ - great to see you up and about. Get to pullin' on that bow string - that will limber up yer liver!!
Thank you, Fletch
My thoughts exactly. I will be picking up a few bales of hay from the tack shop this Friday. I'm going to start shootin a few dozen arrows every day just for upper body exercise.
I will be using one of your bows, and a very nice self bow made by Ohio Joe. I am already looking forward to this.
I would much prefer retriving my arrows from 25 / 30 yds in my own back yard, than just walking around the ball park this time of year.
BTW Fletch: Since you and Mike have never met, allow me to say that Mike (Oneshot72) lives right here in town, in Moses Lake.
And, he does, "quite rightfully", live up to the name of "one-shot"....trust me, I've seen him at work.
This feller has got an eye like a darn old eagle, and that big rifled .72 speaks with total and complete authority.
I understand that the rifle Bigsmoke used for the Buffalo in his Avatar picture is the same .72 Mike now shoots, it's a real beauty, fer sure!.....but that's a whole nuther story and they can do the tellin.
Thanks for the "tips", you guys do indeed know what I was talking about.
Uncle Russ...