yep 3 shots all in the pickle barrel and he still went 200 yards and was flat faced 2 times .
mater of fact he want a big bull eather . just a rag horn 4 on one side and 5 on the other .
i learned along time ago that when it comes to elk . them boys can take alot of lead and and still leave you wondering if you hit them at all . i have also seen them drop right in their tracks with rifle smaller then the one i used above .
personally i dont nor do i think anyone else cares what or how much you use .
if you want a wall gun , ha 2 thumbs up to ya . thats just the way of it now days and if thats how your stick floats so be it .
as to being tired ?? ya i think i can relate .
In fact it’s the very reason this organization was founded .
A group of us were just flat tiered of hearing how one had to have a given rifle with a 500 + grain conical and 2 lbs of powder .
How our old rifles shooting RB were not capable of killing cleanly or ethically .
Maybe , just maybe there is something to learn
I don’t know .
Good luck to you though .
Now back to the 40 cal question . As I stated a few posts back before we got all sidetracked on bigger is better .
The 40 will do just fine within its given limitations . Be it with a RB or bumped up with large conical.
As Dave showed and I tried to show . . When your velocities and projectile weights enter into the realm of center fire calibers that are more then acceptable of the animal your interested in . there is simply no reason that you should not exspect to see like returns from a muzzleloader . none ,,, none at all