Sorry I'm so late to this party but I thought I'd chime in since it's still going on.
I portray mid 18th century F&I on the French side as a milicien. My basic gear for cooking when out on campaign is as follows: a small tin cup, a 1.5 qt. copper kettle with a lid, a wooden spoon and wooden bowl. If we need a cutting board or something like that for preparing food we usually use a large piece of bark or, if that's not available, our bowls. With this small set up we've made some really great meals.
When it comes to cleaning up I tend to use whatever is at hand. I've scoured my kettle out with pine needles, cones, dried leaves, grasses, etc. While out I never use soap because I've seen the ill effects it can have on someone if it's not totally out of your pot the next time you go to use it.
That's all for now. Take care and until next time...Be well.