[ Invalid Attachment ] The ? of the"binding rim on a top hat " = depends on several factors !! What quality was the hat ? ($) Was the Hat a "beaver" or "felt (??) Where was the hat made (US, Can, Brit. ---)Was the hat meant to be sold to the "men of quality" ETC, ETC ---
If You are an "NWC/HBC (or other fur trade Co.s) "Freak", as I am = You knot that TOP HATS where WORN + Sold in the Posts, Ft. etc.
1. Clerks- Owners dressed according to their "station" in "normal society" (in fact the HBC Required it !!!) ergo = if they normally wore a top hat amongst their peers., they wore one as a trader !!
2. NWC voyageurs wore top hats (as did some PFC "voyageurs") {there are a #"period" paintings & sketches that show }
3. Sometimes the hats were decorated. In 1806, a list of Rocky Mountain House trade goods included three 'laced' hats (trimmed with gold or silver 'lace' or military braid) and two 'bound' hats . An 1807 and 1808 order form for the Columbia Department of the NWC also included 'velvet bound hats'. { Pictures (attatched)1,2,3 show an an "actual"existing" HBC
(it is a beaver & it sold for $3,5oo++) {pic #3 is a existing HBC beaver(non decorated) --- NOTE the "rims"!!
SO - if you "enact" a "Company Man" (top to bottom) a Top Hat maybe needed !