FWIW, as I understand it , the rings made for many years were mostly bees-wax, this is no longer the case. I would go with the home grown wads as RM says.
I think Gordy is dead on about "toilet rings" being made a bit differently today.
Many of today's rings have some kind of petroleum in them, and they will make a mess of things in short order, when used as a patch / bullet lube........I would be very careful in the selection of the rings I bought today, as I don't know how to differentiate between the good ones and the ones with a petroleum base.
Just a few thoughts on lube for those who may be interested;
A 1# block of Bees Wax is about $7 or $8 in my neck of the woods, if, and when I beat the Candle Makers to the supply.....and a full one pound block will last a Long time...if ya can keep your buddies out of it. :shock:
Many of the oils work great, such as mink oil. And many of the rendered animal fats make some of the best lubes available for our uses.
I suspect the bottom line of all this is you don't have to go broke buying lube...it's all around us.
One of the best, most inexpensive lubes, I have ever used is a hand cleaner found at about every Auto Parts store.
It is made by Permatex, and cost about $2.00 for a large 1# can. It is lanolin based, and very user friendly when it comes time for clean up....to use this you melt it with a hair dryer, drop your patches in it, about 40 or 50 at a time, remove them and place the stack of patches between two wooden boards in a vise. Tighten the vise and
squeeze the patches dry...put 'em in your patch can and they will last for years.
I know one old timer who has used nothing but this for the past 20 or so years, and anytime he is on the firing line he is a major threat! His name is Doc Crast, and some of you may know him from Friendship.
And of course there is the old reliable "spit-patch" that is readily available to all of us. The trick to using the spit patch is having it damp, not soaking wet.
Since I am a long time friend of Mr. Red Man, when I am outside, and away from Mama Bear...I have decided that spit patchin is just not for me, although there are times when I do use them.
However, They do work great!