AMEN, Brothers!
One would think that somewhere along the line someone would have challenged many of these statements under the "Truth in Advertising Act".
Surely "Traditional" users are not the only ones to see that something is bad wrong with all these claims by the manufacturers.
Something many of us have considered and discussed for years...Is it possible that the "Traditional users" of BP represent such a small percentage of total users, that our denial to their claims falls on deaf ears?
Is there, collectively, not enough of us to even matter in the overall scheme of things?
This past Wed. night I gave a pound of Goex FFg to a fellow member of the local Walleye Club.
After a short discussion on Muzzleloaders he informed me that since he started using muzzleloaders, about twenty years ago, he has always been told that real Black Powder is no longer available since it is unstable and dealers can no longer store it for sale....and this man is my age!
How many other untruths are being spread by the clown behind the counter?
The nonsense passed on by the manufactures and distributors of the faux powder is designed to do only thing and that is to sell their product....and that appears to be "The American Way".
I discussed this once with a friend of the family that is an attorney, and a traditional muzzleloader.
His response to my question on why isn't someone suing the living hell out of these folks for all their lies was...where is the liability? where is the safety issues? and where has damage been done?
He also spoke of other "legal" things a law suit must contain before being heard, but this is what I remember most.
According to him, the only law-suit of this nature, that he could recall, and one that had made the journals, had something to do with national advertising on TV about a particular brand-name shaving cream, and the plaintiff lost although the wording within the advertising itself proved to be untruthful and deceiving... one would think that anything proved to be "untruthful and deceiving" would be against the law, and would be the sole reason behind the Truth in Advertising Act....
However, the SCOTUS apparently has modified the Truth in Advertising Act so many times, in order to protect the 1st Amendment, that it takes more than just plain dishonesty to put a stop to something like this.
Just my thoughts.
Uncle Russ...